Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Searching for a Former Clarity

Wow. What a night, and on a tuesday, or wednesday..I don't know working a graveyard shift warps your sense of time. Anyway, my and Ian met some girls, at thijs punk bar called the "emergency room." Hit it off, they are, of course, 23ish. My target demographic. They loved me, and we're going out drinkin' tommarrow. Blonde girls from CA...? I touched her boob. She was living with /dating/ some loser who could smell how much his girl liked someone else almost instantly, though, he was unable to pry himself away from his poker to do anything. Well, that is untill he madea drunk foo of himself...

We'lll see.

Sam is coming into town tonight...Ian's psyched so am i, I haven't seen her for a while. Hopefully that wll lead to me writing something more interesting than the usual bullshit.

End Transmission.

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