Thursday, March 23, 2006

The scene was less gay when it was all dudes.

When did everyone get so fucking gay? Ian and I went to a show last night, and saw some things that disturbed me greatly. I knew the kids were moving towards this, but I didn't know it had become so bad. Dudes with a shit ton of eyes make-up, skin tight (girls') jeans, and yes the triumphant return of the fingerless gloves. And the fucking hair looks like they cut their hair in the dark, drunk, with a dull pocket knife. Then, they dye it black, or leopard spots, or whatever. Though on the bright side it looks like hard core no longer espouses the pussy straight edge shit, now they just dress like girls and don't wear any underwear. One guy even had on a (wo)man fur! It's like the Cure and Pantera had a baby, then aborted it in a drunken lip piercing accident. Then the fetus was eaten by an eighty pund coke slut and vomited into a plate of drunk reality unconcerned with anything other than looking as cool as possible.

The mohawk punks still hate these guys at least, and its funny to see them make fun of them. They mock them to their faces, and it's really quite humorous. Imitating their dancing and such.
The girls, on the other It's amazing how hot girls flock to this shit now, and not just the punk ones that look like their male counterparts (it's almost impossible to tell the dudes from the chicks when viewed from behind, same hair, same's an androgonous nightmare) but super hot sorostitute types as well, it's mind boggling. Though to be fair many of them are lesbians trying hard to look tough. But if you've ever seen an 90 pound girl try to mosh with a group of bury 200lb guys, you should go somewhere and watch it. It's like a human pinball game. Two of these girls came and talked to me an Ian. One was a blonde girl, who could not have had a single fat cell on her entire 5'2" frame, I've had turds that weighed more than this chick, her jeans were almost torn off her body, and her shirt was barely more than a wash cloth. Her friend, though I can't remember much about her because her friend was such a captivating conversationalist, was a little more healthy looking, though sulky. Here's a quick snipit of what we talked about..

Girl: Hi.
US: What's going on.
Girl: Not much, I was jkjio jjkfhnfi feeshshkj . But this whorekl;jkll kfpirm. I just wanna hump the shit out of her (begins to leg hump friend) but shekl;l'k';kkjn gh.
US: Really.
Girl: I jkstkujhkkjjhjkhlkhldfsgjhdkghuhruehoiegokldgld.
US(Ian): Can I bum a cigarette?
Girl: Sure, but you hav ekjjoijngg;gjerjgpl;lk.
Ian: Ok.
Girl: I thinkdfshjlkjldsfj. You know?kffhkghdgio.

You get the picture, both these girls were so high on who knows what that it was facinating to me that they were even able to walk. The less talkative girl had spent the concert getting to second base with herself and fucking with her phone while sitting on the stage.

The band was ok, Screamo generic shit, but descent music. The lead singer made a girl cry because he pointed to her (I don't know what she did) and said, "You. you are that girl. The drunk chick that everyone makes fun of later, you're her, there's always one, and you are her. Now shut up." I laughed hartily.

I have officially become a curmudgeonly old bastard. Damn Kids and their music.

What else, oh yeah, got my invite to my 10 year high school reunion. I'm torn between a horribly morbid curiousity and a complete lack of interest.

End Transmission.

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