Saturday, March 11, 2006

I won't stick any of you unless and until I can stick all of you.

Nothing to report today, personally, but something happened to a co-worker and her husband the other day that must be shared, I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

So this Lady, we'll call her Mary, and her husband, Stan, found themselves with a day off so they decided to do some long put off tasks. Stan, apparantly is a big guy, but he wears a size Large jacket. He had recieved not one but three size XL jackets over the years. What the hell was he going to do with three jackets that were the wrong size? Keep them in the closet, apparantly. Mary had been on him to take them back, but he had "just never got around to it." Stan is such a lazy guy, that Mary sometimes thinks he wouldn't breathe without her continued reminders to do so. The jackets still had the tags on them, never been worn, so they took them to the local Dillard's to try and exchange them. Imagine their surprise when the clerk said "no problem," and allowed him to exchange them all! They were so appreciative of the man's eagerness to help that Stan also purchased a hat.

End Transmission.

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