Saturday, March 04, 2006

Don't let it be said I am deaf to the voices in my head.

I have recieved numerous emails detailing how boring my life is, and that no one wants to read about my shaving debacles, or how often I do or do not score with the ladies (the latter obviously less exciting than the later, though more numerous). No one cares how much I can bench press, or how drunk I can get. I was not aware of it but 15% of my blogs include pregnancy in some form. Sorry.

I hear you. I feel like none of you have given me the chance I rightly deserve. This is my first blog, and I'm doing my best. In the future I will have guest bloggers, scientists and politicians, even a celebrity or two. Maybe that will hold your interest, or maybe it won't. Each blog will come with a gram of coke and a bottle of whiskey! Two big tittied strippers for each of you. I haven't forgotten you ladies, you can have two...pectorially endowed strippers....but keep their wangs small, I want to remain the biggest dick on this blog.

End Transmission.

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