Friday, March 17, 2006

Bowling Race Care Driver.

So a lot of cool shit has happened since last I scribed here. Unfortunately I can't write about any of it because it has become impossible for me to focus on anything other than the enormous zit in the middle of my back.

There it sits, even now, taunting me in it's unreachable location, itching and hurting, growing larger, yet refusing to pop and leave me in peace! I have cracked every joint in my wrists and elbows, shoulders and back, all in a vain attempt to rid myself of this teribble scourge.

Christ! Even now I can barely resist trying to contort my body into the final yaga position that will allow victory. Even worse is the terrible pain that will ensue when it does finally decide its inhumane torture of my body and soul has reached its zenith. It's like a fucking golf ball just to the left of my spine, well maybe a jellybean, but larger by far is it's evil.

I fear it may even be a coalition of multiple pimples, united to give me unending despondency and in such vexation ruin my life and all that I am and ever will be.

End Transmission.

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