Saturday, April 29, 2006

You'll always be number two in my book. kinda serious there a while, sorry got stuck on a bukowski kick and a dark mood ensued. Anyway. THis blog is a milestone in my limited blogging adventures.

It is the first blog completely composed, sent and delivered from the toilet. More specifically, my mold encrusted toilet. (This strange black mold that cannot be prevented by any means I know of, other than constant cleaning, a solution I dare not institute) It's just me, the laptop, the toilet and a turd. Well maybe two or three turds, I won't know for sure until I stand up and look. It felt like one big one, but I've been fooled before.

So now that I have a new venue, what new bloggings will I be inspired to espouse? None really. Life continues at a medium pace and now I must wipe my ass.

end transmission.

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