Saturday, April 15, 2006

No Kelly's were hurt in the filming of this show.

Well at press time I have not gotten any pictures, so for now you will have only my skill at prose to illustrate what happened last weekend (my weekend, not yours daywalkers). Chopper and I are the same age this week, a very special time for us.

Ian wrecked a shopping cart, stole a humungous flag, tried to climb a palm tree, and severly wounded his leg. He now walks like a Hip Hop Gagsta. Ian won the "most destructive drunk" award. (the only pics I have are from Ian's camera, so no Ian pictures, do the math)

Kelly. Kelly had black feet. The grime of LAs Vegas turned her feet black. She's also the only puker on our party team, Kudos! She's like a little Drunken Angel.

Chopper distinguished himself by winning a 109 to 1 shot on the electronic horse racing, winning him the coveted "lucky bastard" award. He also did not shower the whole time he was here, narrowly defeating Kelly in the "Smelliest Balls" competition.

I met my future wife Vanesssa. She was very impressed by me, as you can see. I played with a shark and scared some very little children. I also touched plaster breasts with a random fat chick tourist. I also punched a shark and pissed off a whole table of Electronic Horse racing gamblers.

End Transmission.

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