Sunday, April 23, 2006

I can now bench pres 280 pounds...

I was at the gym today, working out at my normal time, along with all the other people who share my schedule. We have all kind of become friends that never talk, but share an hour or so of our days together, almost every day. Familiar faces that pretend not to notice the familiarity.

Anyone, one of these people is this guy, Rick. Rick is a body builder, and on his "easy" days he lifts the same weight I do on my...regular days, so we spot each other and bullshit. Another regular to my schedule is a beautiful woman (name unknown) who has the most amazing tits (they prolly look gross unleashed, but in a sports bra these babies are nothing short of magnificent, she also likes to jump rope) and has the rest of her body pretty much perfected. I always see her from across the gym, sometimes our routines cross, but seldomly do I see her up close. Her face is so/so but it's good enough.

Rick saw me looking at her and told me a little about "Michelle." Apparantly, there are a lot of fags in the pro body building circuit (I say it's because they spend so much time looking in the mirror, falling in love with their muscles, they no longer find chicks hot enough, except for chicks that look like dudes, but I digress). Rick has a gay friend, his name escapes me, who was apparantly fucking Michelle, when she was still a dude.


My incredulous face was quickly replaced by the dull admittal that she/he was still hot. Rick found my reaction funny, he was used to guys freaking out, but I was the first to say I'd still fuck her/him. We're not really super best friends, s I don't know if he knew I was kidding.

Then that got me thinking, was I kidding? I spent the rest of my workout contemplating those perfect Double D's and running some comparison's in my head. First of all, I'm sure I'm the only guy in the world to base my attraction to a woman based soley on her looks. I can be shallow, I admit it. So if it looks like a hot chick....

But she used to be a dude, man! But I knew girls that used to be fat, and then got hot....maybe not the same thing, but here's what I came up with. Real girls have fake tits, fake girls have fake tits. Real girls have plastic surgury to alter their appearance, fake girls have plastic surgury to do the same. Both have hair removed, either by shaving, or lasers, or whatever other methods that have been produced during my inattention. Fake/Real tans, skin care, gym time. Check affirmative on both. So I guess it begs the question: How much of a girl has to be fake before I'm gay for wanting to fuck her? 'Cause on paper, they seem pretty much the same Frankenstein's monster. I can't "see" DNA, anyway.

I know, I know, he used to have a dick. That's a hard one to get over, but now he has a broken vagina instead, which with my fear/hatred of pregnancy might be an advantage. NO period, or crazy birth control rage.

Anyway, it wouldn't be the first time my dick talked me into fucking someone my brain abhorred. It is a visual animal. The sad thing is that he is way out of my league now anyway.

End Transmission.

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