Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day.

Today is a sad day for me. I know a lot of people must share my anger at the injustice of the Canadians beating the USA in the Olympic Curling Competition. We had them beat damnit! We have to hang our collective heads in shame for the next four years. No gold for curling, too bad guys, maybe next time.

Today at work two old dudes got in a fight over a 5 cent wheel of fortune slot machine. They dropped numerous F bombs at each other and had to be kicked out. They had to be pushing 70, it was a real hoot.

Not much else, I did find out that if you are obnoxiously nice to everyone they don't complain as much. Or at least not out loud. I think it's because they think you are mentally unhinged and potentially dangerous. Try it it's great. I kinda did the George Castanza thing from Sienfeld, you know where he does everything the opposite of what he would usually do. Except I just limit it to verbal interaction, and it's not technically the opposite, but the concept reamains the same.

Let's say some ass said to me, "I've been waiting here for 20 minutes, you guys should have those ticket things. I just want my money so I can get out of here."

My immediate reaction would be to say, "Well, we don't have tickets and I know for fact you've only been waiting for five minutes, cause it says it right here on the computer. We're busy, you're not the only asshole in the world, you have to wait your turn."

Instead I say, "I really like that hat. Really cool hat man."

Also non sequiters work well, "You like rost beef sandwhiches? They make a dman good roast beef sandwhich at subway."

Keep them confused, and they can't be jerks. Being a jerk takes concentration, focus and determination. Also middle aged fat ladies like to here that their hair looks pretty, of that their husbands are stupid.

End Transmission.

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