Friday, February 24, 2006

I have an ingrown hair directly on my Adam's Apple.

The Adam's apple or the "laryngeal prominence" is that stupid little, well you all should know what it is by now, It's the best way to know a transvestite, before you fuck her(him). ANyway, mine now sticks out half an inch farther than normal, and It hurts when I talk and/or wear a tie.

I have an ingrown hair (IGH) on my fucking laryngeal prominence. And it sucks. I have curly hair, and when you shave every day, like I must now that I am a coporate whore, sucking the cock of Corporate Policy, people with curly hair get IGH's. For those of you who have never had one of these, well, it's basically when a hair breaks the skin, but the decides to just grow back in on itself. This causes a big festering sore that hurts like a mutherfucker. Usually, you can lance it, get the hair out and get on with your life with only a small red blemish to mark its passage. But when it's on your face, the hair is usually too small to get to, so you just have to wait until it rots into puss, pops like a zit and then leaves a red mark for a few days. This process has been known to take up to two weeks.

The bright side is that it doesn't look as bad as it feels. Most of the time it's just a colorless lump, that only you can feel, because it feels like there's a piece of hot charcoal shoved under your skin. To you it is like there's a golf ball attatched to your face, but really, it is barely raised above the skin.

Unless you start fucking with it.

Then it turns red and angry and it swells. But unfortunately, fucking with it is the only way to quicken the festering process, because you have to break the hair off from the folicle to get it to stop growing and getting worse.

In conclusion, shaving is bullshit, and fuck MGM/Grand for making me do it. Fuck God as well for inventing hair with such an abvious flaw in the first place.

End Transmission.

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