Saturday, February 11, 2006

Enough of the old way....

I've decided to take my blog in a new direction. It never really had an old one, so I guess I'm just starting a new blog. I haven't really told anyone about it, so I don't really expect anyone to read it. I do however emjoy the idea that my writings here are in the ethereal void of the net, and not rotting on my hard drive, alone and masturbating quietly. Knowing that someone might run across these ramblings is an exciting thought as well, though exciting like pulling a nose hair, not exciting like fucking a stripper.

With that out of the way, I must now write something useful. Ah yes, global sexual slavery. I watched this thing on PBS, an expisode of Frontline, about the world trade of sex slaves. Women abducted from their homes and forced into prostition. Well, not so much abducted as, coerced from their shitty living condintions and thrust into a nightmare beyond my virgin asshole's imagination. "Servicing" 10-20 dudes a night for years, enduring beatings, and all for free.

Now some of these women, do this intentionally, thinking they will make money (to help their kids, families, etc), actually most of them fit this model. Only about ten percent answer the ads for "domestic laborors abroad" in their shitty local papers thinking they'll be cleaning some hotel in Venice for 25 cents a day.

Most of the girls that are tricked are "sold" by some friend of theirs. It's such a fucking poor and morally vampiric place (Eastern Europe) that some dude you grew up with might sell you to international sex slavers for $500. One poor woman was looking for work to help her little brother get a life saving operation. They lived next to Chernobyl(sp)., for christ's sake! Get this the operation was going to cost almost $700. SHe was abducted, rescued 2 years later, and then had to face her whole family (which, of course, consisted of 15 people including her sister who had a tumor in her brain so big her right eye couldn't open) after fucking close to a thousand guys. SHe then goes back into whoring for the money to save her brother, who died in the mean time, anyway.

And I sometimes think my life sucks.

Man, shaving my pubes to get rid of crabs I got from concensual sex with a blonde from Texas doesn't seem so shitty in the light that I could be, drugged, beaten and raped on my first night in Istambul as a precursor to my new life as sex slave fuck--- I mean "servicing" 10-20 men a night for free.

But it's the slave traders I find facinating. Human life means nothing to these people. They caught a guy red handed and he got 5-years probation. His third offense. ANd one guy was partners with his wife! Now that makes me jelous. It's one thing to be an international Sex Slave abductor/Pimp by day, and having to lie to your wife. To look the woman you love in the eye, knowing that you make a generous living off of ruining women's lives, doing unspeakable things to them without remorse, knowing that this love of your life could just as easily be one of these poor wretches, with very little imagining. It's quite another to have her be your fucking partner in the enterprise. Now that's fucking love, man. That's fucking Russian chicks for you.

all for now.

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