Saturday, February 25, 2006

Fogive me, for running off to fight....

Some of you might remember my short lived petition to try to get the world to stop saying bless you everytime you sneeze. Aside from being really annoying, (and the cumpulsory, thank you in response sucks too, just try and not say it, you will make an enemy for life) it is outdated. People used to think that a demon or the devil or some shit was being expelled from your body, so under that educated assumption, the "bless you" would seem approprate.

We know better now.

A sneeze is you propelling germs and snot at over one zillion miles an hour. That's almost the speed of light! This sends the germs into the air subsequently into everyone around you via their dirty mouth and nasal holes (and maybe via the anus depending on the sneezer/sneezee positioning at the time). I wanted everyone to say, "Damn You," when someone sneezed, but it never caught on.

Anwho, this fucking homeless guy (who smelled like cheese, and nutsack, and a little bit like a creamcicle, and had puke on his sweatshirt) sneezed right on an old lady today. I could see the boogers land on her shirt. She still said "bless you" before she got up and left.

"Damn You," would have been more appropriate, I think.

End Transmission.

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