Monday, February 20, 2006

Like figure skating, like asphyxiating....

They can't all be gems. Well, why not? They just can't be. I got in trouble at work today because some pregnant girl "overheard" (I say she stuck her fucking nose and ears were they did not belong) me telling a co-workier that pregnancy is the worst STD you can acquire.

Now, I can understand why she might not agree with me. People with herepes don't think herpes is the worst thing that could happen. They say, "At least I don't have aids."

Aside from that, when did we all descide that derision of opinion meant hostile or offensive intent? You like carrots, I hate them. Should I get fired for hating something you like? Why is my opinion of carrots any of your business? I say, "I hate carrots." You say, "I like them." Difference of opinion. So why am I a jerk for hating carrots? I just don't share your love for carrots, why are we fighting all of a sudden? Why is you opinion so threatened by mine?

Maybe the girl thought I was belittling her status as a prego. I was, actually, but since when is a differing in opinion a grounds for dismissal. I didn't get fired, prolly only because my gay boss wants to fuck me, but still....

take your pill, wear a condom.

end transmission.

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