Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm not drunk, you're drunk.

Well, today is one for the books...

Without the sweaty details, let's just say I begin the 14 day vigil of terror. Another girl has accepted my seed, and though I did all in my power to prevent it's taking root, I'm always a little scarred that my precautions were not enough. Life is a tenacious force, and though I trust science like a religion, nothing is 100%. I guess that two weeks is a stupid time limit for such an apprehension, but it is a realistic time for me to get over the fear that something bad happened. I can go to the doctor and assuage my fears that I have any kind of rust on the tools, but there's no test they can do (on me) that will tell me whether I got someone pregnant or not. I guess I don't trust Trojan as much as I could. Just gotta stay happy with statistics....Never hit a home run yet, don't really ever want to. But sometimes you swing, just right....and maybe some shitty kid thought it would be funny to poke holes in all the rubbers at the local gas station...I have to admit, I think I would take great pleasure in such a prank. So maybe If I knew that's what happened I might chuckle...

Anyway, She doesn't know enough about me to find me even if our multiple procreation attempts renedered a successful result. I'll get over it, surely.


Against Me! Is the new best band ever. I hate to come late to that bandwagon, there are some that are more punk than me, to be sure, but...they are awesome.

End Transmission.

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