Sunday, May 28, 2006

If I would have known, just how things would have ended up, I would have just let myself die.

I have been neglecting, this my first blog, for another, two actually, but here I am, back to bore you all with nothing.

Let's see, X-men 3 sucked. I lost a shit ton of money gambling last weekend. I met a girl from Australia who said I was "the maddest bloke," she had ever met. She had big tits, and freckles. Her name mas Madlyne, I don't know how to spell it, but she was a little hot in a crazy, drunk sorta way.

Not much else, really, Bokowski said that the life of a writer was to go collect shit, pile it on, until you had to relieve yourself of it, I don't have enough piled up, it seems, not yet....

Fuck american Idol.

end transmission.

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