Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I have been inside a lot.

These past fwe days have found me alone, in my room reading and writing like crazy, so as far as anything interesting to anyone else...

I Finished "hot Water Music" for the 2nd time, and I'm about half way through "Ham on Rye." Charles Bukowski has been one of my faveorites for a while, but I never read his poetry, as poetry usually bores the hell out of me, his...isn't like real poetry...it's entertaining..."but Daub...poetry is for the gays, and I hate paying for something so short and stupid," well check it out for free, you cheap bastards;


Anyway. I also read a lot of X-Men comics and the new 100 bullets. Some Superman and Batman as well.

Take that! culture.

As for writing, I finally finished this short story I wrote about a guy who lights cab drivers on fire (based on true events!) Email me if you want to read it...otherwise, fuck off.

end transmission.

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