Saturday, May 13, 2006

Don't you know we're all whores?

It has been a few days, huh? Well, I don't know. There have been some complications....

First of all, I have once again realized that coming off a coke bender is a lot like what I imagine being girl on the rag is like. You're emotions are all over the place, mood swings, a logical understanding of what you should feel about subject X, constantly at odds with what you actually feel about Subject X. Worse than that your current emotions don't make any sense, I hate the color green! WHat the fuck is that? Anyway that's over and now I must claw my way from the depths of what Cash so poetically termed, "the cocaine blues." I know far too much about what is chemically happening in my brain, and so I listen to Social Distortion Cd's and drink.

The details of the last couple of days are sketchy. I do remember killing a bum and fucking a 12 year old girl. These things may or may not have happened.

end transmission.

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