Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's nearly impossible, Highly Improbible, but not hopeless.

Who are you, who are they? It feels like I might break on this ordinary day, why do we need to change, we were perfect yesterday?

Shit, I'm writing a shitton of shit right now...that's a lot of shit. Man Face to Face "ignorance is Bliss" is just hitting all the chords. Anyway, I'm gonna wake up, hungover and soberish....and read what I wrote and post the fixed version. Sorry you don't get the raw version, it's just a little too "feel sorry for me" at this point.

On a funny note, I ran over a squirrel today. It wasn't personal, more wrong place wrong time, but I swear the second before it died it judged me.

end transmission.

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