Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The future is now.

Ok assholes! If you can't figure out the god damn check yourself out lanes at the supermarket, just suck it up and let the high school kid or the kid with downs syndrome check you out.

I've seriously had it.

I like the check yourself out lanes, because I shop for food one meal at a time. I don't need a fucking cart to ship my provisions to my car. I want to get in, buy my 3 lbs. of meat, 1 lb. of cheese and 1 liter of Vodka, and get the hell out with as little human interaction as possible.

Drop items, scan, beep, scan, beep, scan, beep, swipe card, get on with life.


Take 5 minutes to unload my basket, trying earnestly to stack my obviously more than ten items into some sort of stable pyramid on the scale that won't go rolling all over the place, swipe...swipe...stupid look on face...swipe...(why isn't this onion coming up on the scanner?)...swipe...swipe...now I have to act frustrated and get the attention of the attendant and blame technology and him/her for my own ignorance...oh, you need a code...ok duh, no bar code on an onion, stupid nature...scan...beep...scan...beep...scan beep...wait this wasn't the price that I thought it was, it should be on sale...fast forward 10 minutes, "no mam, it's the generic tomato paste that is 62 cents, this is the name brand it's 71 cents"..."well, then I don't want it."

Finally all the items are scanned, and lo, it's time to pay. the total comes to $42.34. First let's search our luggage size purse for $.34. When we don't find the requisite change in that location, we can ask our husband if he has any change, he searches the cargo pants of his pants, finding nothing shrugs apologetically as he scans the US weekly's. Well there's nothing to be done now, but pay. Shit, I only have ones and fives and I don't use a wallet, I just throw money in my pocket like it's worthless, so it's all crumpled. Wait! why is this huge unshaven white guy murdering my wife with a rib eye?!

I'm just saying you should have to pass some sort of proficiency test to use the check yourself lane. You should also have a debit/credit card.

No change accepted.

end transmission.

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