Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I think pascifists are weak, and violence is wrong.

Well, here we are again. I feel after all this time, there is a lot of pressure for me to blow you motherfuckers! (There should be an "out of the water" somewhere in that previous sentance, but due to alcohol consumption and budgetary cuts, some things had to go).

A few mouthes ago I came across a drunk man at work. He was in his mid 30's not being intrusive, just wasted, having fun. I had just watched a Russian cocktal waitress trick him into tipping 20 bucks for his drink, and then we began conversing. (Vegas tip #343 Beware Russian waitresses with amazing blue eyes)

Here's how it went.

"So how old are you...25..23?" he asked.
"I'm 28." I said.
"Married, kids?
"No man no wife no kids,"
"Good work! I've been married almost 12 years! Can you believe that!"
"I don't have any kids. I fucking hate children."
I was thinking on the topic and I decided to press the man for some intel.
"Can I ask you a personal question?" I asked.
"How have you been married for 12 years, and managed not to have a kid, how did you find a woman who wanted to be with you, seemingly forever, and not want a kid?"
This guy literally grabbed me, pulled me close, and looked over his shoulders and all around. It was as if I had asked him if he knew who really killed JFK, and he was about to reveal the name to me.
"I can tall you it wasn't easy...but, my secret is I didn't."
"Your wife wants kids?, I don't get it." I said.
"Hell yeah she wants kids! I fucking don't, but I love her and...I didn't wanna lose her over such bullshit. Here look at this!"
He showed me pictures of his wife, pictures from the wedding, all kinds of sappy cheek to cheek photos, etc...and then he told me;
"Se she's hot, right? I wasn't about to let a thing like children get rid of her...so I uh...well...one weekend while she was away on a business trip...I got a vasectomy and never told her."

end transmission.

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