Sunday, April 15, 2007

I don't know or care with who or where I fit in with at all...

Writin' fast and livin' slow...

Ok, I'm on the eve of my voyage to Australia where I hope to embarrass myself on chunk of land heretofore unexplored by the people of my tribe. Either cool stuff will happen, or I will make cool shit up, either way, this blog should experience a noticeable spike in excitement.

I am also 3 days away from turning 29. How did I get this old? Aside from the simple biology of the the progression, I feel like I'm still 13 years old, but with hair on my balls. Wait I had hair on my balls when I was 13...uh..maybe I feel more like a 9 year old? The point is I fell just as immature and useless now as I did 10 years ago.

I guess my point is, Ian bought me a really cool diving knife for my birthday, and you assholes got me I guess I know who my real friend(s) are. Hopefully this will inspire some guilt and thus cause you all to scramble to get some last minute gift. Don't bother, just send money, that will suffice. No more naked pictures of yourself feeding your pets....wherever that trend came from, send it back (you know who you are)'s just creepy.

So I work with this Mexican lady (one of many), and she's actually really awesome, but today she said something that got my panties in a bunch. Today was her birthday, she turned 42, and was really proud of the fact. Which is odd and pretty cool. SHe was excited to have lived so long, had such a full life, 4 healthy kids, all that crap. WHat fucked me up was the follow up statement.

"I have four beautiful children, a house, a husband, some people have only one child or none at all."

Only one child, or none at all. She actually pities such people. Does she realize I pity her for the exact antithesis of her point of view? Probably not, she would most likely find just as much frustration in trying to understand how I feel as I do trying to figure her out. This bothered me for a a few hours until I watched a black hooker knock the front teeth out of a white hooker and laugh in her face. I also saw the white hookers boob when, during the tussle, her top was removed.

It is hard to focus in Las Vegas, sometimes.

end transmission.

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