Sunday, June 25, 2006

She said she was in love with me, and now she don't need me....

I feel like this blog is now an assignement from a teacher who doesn't actually read what I turn in. Listen to Against ME! and the Fairlanes. Throw in some LAgwagon, and JAwbreaker. In fact, Listen to "Dear You" over and over again until you wan to to kill yourself. God it's amazing, how did I live so long without it...."I love you so much it's killing us both," shit.

Anyway. All the black girls I work with have white boyfriends. They all have kids with these dudes. None of them are married. What the fuck? Have I been missing out somehow? I've fucked almost every flavor of girl, but never Negro. Korean, Mexican, Japanese, German, White, Canadian, Slutanese, Cambodia, desperate and drunk, i've had a pretty diverse sexual portfollio, but the blacks, They intimidate me a little bit, and I hate people who pronounce "th" as "F". Birf Day makes me want immolate the whole world! Eat writer pretension!

Is pretenesion a word? maybe I should axe a dictionary.

end transmission.

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