Friday, June 23, 2006

Not a dull moment.

I work at a casino, I wander around at all hours of the night not really doing anything of any real value to the further the human race. Last night a drunk stripper sat down at the bar next to some dude. She was in her early thirties, maybe just turned thirty, but she had an amazing body and, oddly enough, big fake boobies.
As most of you know, I find the most sensual part of the woman to be the boobies.
Anyway, she is absolutely throwing herself at this guy, who is having nothing to do with her inebrieated overtures. Is the guy gay, married, who knows, it doesn't really matter, this girl is determined to go home with this guy no matter what.
She is so intent on this goal that she sits there for two hours trying to seduce him, meanwhile drinking like my grandma at christmas time. Desire vs. Bladder....the winner?
This grown woman pissed her pants in public! She ran to the bathroom, well stumbled really, but was too late. She came back out summoning the dignity necessary to cover her crotch and ass with her hands.
So now, one would expect that all was lost! No! She just tied a coat around her waist and picked up were she left off! Awesome!

end transmission.

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