Friday, June 30, 2006

...the sound of failure isn't here...yet.

My life is boring and moving forward quickly. So, in other words, nothing is happening, very rapidly.

end transmission.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ghost in the Lighthouse.

I have discovered something. You cannot kill a puppy and expect it to stop loving you.

end transmission.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

She said she was in love with me, and now she don't need me....

I feel like this blog is now an assignement from a teacher who doesn't actually read what I turn in. Listen to Against ME! and the Fairlanes. Throw in some LAgwagon, and JAwbreaker. In fact, Listen to "Dear You" over and over again until you wan to to kill yourself. God it's amazing, how did I live so long without it...."I love you so much it's killing us both," shit.

Anyway. All the black girls I work with have white boyfriends. They all have kids with these dudes. None of them are married. What the fuck? Have I been missing out somehow? I've fucked almost every flavor of girl, but never Negro. Korean, Mexican, Japanese, German, White, Canadian, Slutanese, Cambodia, desperate and drunk, i've had a pretty diverse sexual portfollio, but the blacks, They intimidate me a little bit, and I hate people who pronounce "th" as "F". Birf Day makes me want immolate the whole world! Eat writer pretension!

Is pretenesion a word? maybe I should axe a dictionary.

end transmission.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Not a dull moment.

I work at a casino, I wander around at all hours of the night not really doing anything of any real value to the further the human race. Last night a drunk stripper sat down at the bar next to some dude. She was in her early thirties, maybe just turned thirty, but she had an amazing body and, oddly enough, big fake boobies.
As most of you know, I find the most sensual part of the woman to be the boobies.
Anyway, she is absolutely throwing herself at this guy, who is having nothing to do with her inebrieated overtures. Is the guy gay, married, who knows, it doesn't really matter, this girl is determined to go home with this guy no matter what.
She is so intent on this goal that she sits there for two hours trying to seduce him, meanwhile drinking like my grandma at christmas time. Desire vs. Bladder....the winner?
This grown woman pissed her pants in public! She ran to the bathroom, well stumbled really, but was too late. She came back out summoning the dignity necessary to cover her crotch and ass with her hands.
So now, one would expect that all was lost! No! She just tied a coat around her waist and picked up were she left off! Awesome!

end transmission.

Sunday, June 18, 2006 the shower rod, can it take my weight?

Contrary to popular opinion and the article in USA Today, I am still breathing. Though my breath smells like vodka and peanuts, I am still thriving. It's just that nothing interesting has happened in a while and I don't feel like making anything up.

I did talk to a $300/hour prostitute at work a few days ago. She was by far the most expensive call girl I've ever met. I asked her how much 30 seconds would cost, and she laughed. She was very attactive and surprisingly smart. We talked about stuff.

end transmission.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue!

Williams, Chopper check out my new blog for the first chapter of that story...I'll post more every few days...I just hate the fucking ending and am almost done making it worse. Enjoy. All content is copywritten 2006 by DaubvonDaub any use of these stories without my express written conscent is prohibited. All stories are in almost doen, still tweaking form, so I reserve the right to change anything I want. So there.

Also I clogged the toilet at work. Agian.

end transmission.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Accident Prone.

So I guess some former CA Cop kidnapped some 14 year old boy and made the lad suck his dick at gunpoint. Now, if you haven't sucked dick at gun point, let me tell you it can be a very uncomfortable, and somewhat terrifying experience. Doubly so for a small boy of 14, I'd imagine. Mouth raping a little kid, that I something I do not condone, I mean make the kid lick your balls while you jerk off, or toungue your asshole a little, sure, but don't make him chug your hog, not cool.

end transmission.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Here we go.

I have two mains topics of discussion here tonight. The first is single hot women. You cannot trust that any girl over the age of....23, that's kinda arbitrary (who I've never actually had to spell that word, "are bit trar iy"), but it's kinda like definging a pile of sand. One grain is not a pile, neither is two grains, but what about 5,000, if 5,000 is a pile is 4,999 a pile or not, get the point anyway..

They either have a kid, and were dumped soon after the father got the news, a situation, that by the way is really your safest best, 'cause the reason she's single is obvious and may not be any sort of psycological miswiring, OR

there's something so wrong with this girl that even though she is so fucking hot, that is not enough to keep some guy, any guy, which is gotta be a doozey. There are a shit ton of desperate dudes, lots of them rich, just by the law of probability eventually you should find the right person given almost infinite choices.

"Well, maybe she dumped him, did you ever think of that, jerk?." Maybe, but I have no data to support that hypothesis, my test group is by no way omni-inclusive of every woman on earth, but theses conclusions are based on exhaustive field study. women stay with men that beat them, for christ's sake. If someone beat me up on regular basis, I would not hang around with them, unless they were really hot, which emphasises my earlier point. What the fuck could be so wrong with girls like this? I don't know but I bet if I talk to her for longer than ten minutes, she will tell me. I could range anywhere from being molested as a child, to, and I quote, "I feel like , if I love a guy, he better fucking love me back or it drives me insane," No shit.

So what do we d? Fuck ugly girls. Sadly no, they have a different set of issues, and more than normal because they haven't even got the consolation of being hot. And they are too expensive to feed. Fuck no one, that won't work. Turn Gay? No.

We need to get our shit together and get those robot prostitutes into the streets! You know the Japs have had sex-bots forever, that's why they have so much economic power, they all fuck angelina Jolie every night, (well why not have 2 or 3, really), with not STD's or bullshit, and they can focus on fucking us all over. They have a master plan, robot whores are only the beginning.

Fuck curing cancer, I don't wanna live past 60 anyway, we wouldn't have to cure aids 'cause, robots are very hygenic. Screw all that shit because I would rather have a Gwen Stefani-bot blowing me right now, and every day till the batteries run out, than I would living another 100 years. Hurry up nerds! It will help you (us) the most...only we can free man from a burden he has carried since time immortal!

That probably didn't make a lick of sense.

end transmissions.