Saturday, September 02, 2006

Public Witness Program.

Hmmm...what to say here. I just bought a new keyboard, and it is a little odd, so fuck the typos...

I just met a bi-polar asian girl who loves horror movies, kung fu movies, and girls who act like girls.

Suffice it to say I am in love with her. She is hot to boot, and works at an insane asylum....and well, crazy, asian, hates girls, loves gore, fascinated be weird fits the bill, but she's even crazier than I think even I can handle...why does tha tmake it so much sexier.....I mean she has had some random "black outs" she calls them....psychotic episodes my limited psych education calls them....uh...well....

on a more stable note, I had a good interview with Mandalay bay today....lots of $$, hopefully enough that I can start fucking prostitutes and stop trying to find women I actually like.

end transmission.

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