Thursday, June 18, 2009

Like a loaded gun, if it sits too long, eventually you'll work up the nerve.

Ha! Here you go Chris, the blog is back.

So after four years give or take, the Vegas experiment has come to a close. I made some money, had some fun, made some friends. But here I am heading back to Colorado. Have I outgrown the tiny city in my travels across the world, or will I appreciate it more now that I know what the world is like elsewhere? Time will tell, but for now I look forward to being close to the people I have been too far away from for too long.

I will miss the small tribe of kids I have bonded with in Vegas, the simple truth is I have spread my roots over a large area of this country and no matter where I go I will leave people behind. Though this is sad, it is also very cool. I feel very lucky to know that there are people all over the place that can tolerate my fucking presence.

Anyway, Denver will have its hands full with me for a little while at least, I can always leave...make sure you impress me enough not to turn the town to salt.

end transmission.