Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sometimes those simple things won't turn the trick no more.

Whew! I just spent a half hour whining and complaining, only to have windows shut down internet explorer and "poof!" all gone. Lucky for you I got it out of my system.
I'm in the writin' mood, which means more dead latinas/babies per raped estranged spouses than ever before! I hesitate to give you the link to it's web publication until I sober up and read it over first. 'Till then, just wonder and imagine at the terrible world that shits out of my diseased brain.
These moods are so transitory, yet elationary (is that a word), and it made me think, well wonder, at people who write shit like Harry Potter. That Rawlings bitch is one of only 7 female billionaires on the forbes list of rich assholes. What mood is she in when she writes that shit? I don't make shit from the crap I write, mostly 'cause I can't finish anything and no one really wants to read stories that make them feel like crap just for being alive. I get that. But come on?
The itch needs to be scratched, gotta go.
end transmission.