Wednesday, September 26, 2007

in the infinite hours between 6PM and 2am.

This is the first blog I have written at work. There are days at this job when I have absolutely nothing to do and so I am left alone, walking in circles, with only my thoughts. My mind Is a twisted and terrible enough place to visit, and to be sentanced to hours within its confines with no distraction is a horror beyond words.

Usually, this type of situation is what leads me to write. Somehow there is catharsis in removing ideas from the aether of my troubled head and chisling them into reality. Without this release, the ideas and arguements bounce around my skull like a handfull of rubber balls thrown into a bathtub, costantly increasing in both velocity and quantity, until I feel like I'm going mad.

It is the focus of the composition that allows me to mute my conflicted musings to a dull roar, and thus stave off a complete mental meltdown for a few more hours.

This silent desperation for distraction in leu of my favored method of management has led to some of the most asinine conversations with some of lamest people on earth.

Just minutes ago I literally had a conversation about dust! Fucking dust! I have rarely had the opportunity to be involved in such an intellectual treatise on, what is truly one of the most fascinating issues facing us today!

Never before have I been so engrossed by the topic of comparative weather conditions; ie in Ontario it is apparantly already getting really cold, but here in Vegas the temperature is quite pleasent!

Currently there are no boobs to oggle at, so I am consumed with the desire to find an ugly old lady so that I may debate the pros and cons of coin operated slot machines, certainly a topic that remains interesting even after exploring its nuances hundreds of times.

End transmission.