Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ian won $1500 at a slot machine.

I live in Las Vegas. I moved here wanting and expecting strange and exciting things to happen. And I have yet to be dissappointed. A few nights ago (well, technically yesterday morning, I work the graveyard shift so days are hard to keep track of, anyway it was about 7 AM on the 1st of Nov) I went to a casino to play poker. I won some money and decided to go blow it a the craps table. I was pretty drunk, and having a blast. I was up about $500 and I decided to go sit down at the bar and relax. The bar at the Palms was pretty empty, but there were a number of people, still up from the night before. I sat next to a girl who was wearing a slutty halloween costume, I think she was supposed to be a devil. Pushup bra, fishnets, the whole nine yards. She is very obviously drunk and coked up. She's talking to the bartender about how she couldn't go up to her room because her friend was fucking some guy and wanted some privacy. I laughed at her situation, which gave her an excuse to talk to me. The bartender looked relieved and took the oppurtunity to escape.

Stay Tuned for Part 2, It'll be worth it, I promise.